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Ep. 5 Transcript:

Bird Means Business Podcast is Live!

BIRD WILLIAMS: You're listening to Bird Means Business Episode 5.

Hi there. So guess what? It's my birthday week! And any other Christmas babies out there know, we're not really used to celebrating our birthday, and you kind of just grow to be okay with that. As a kid, everyone's out of school or your friends are traveling. So people couldn’t make your birthday and it wasn't really a big deal. But this year will be unforgettable because I'm launching a podcast. Whoop whoop! Y'all. I decided to do this, a whole five weeks ago.

Let me tell you how it went down. So if you don't know my entrepreneurial background is in a brick-and-mortar business. For the last six years, my husband, Terry, and I have owned The League. It's a warehouse gym in Houston, Texas. However, with a small business consulting firm I launched in November, which is Bird Williams Consulting, I'm moving into the digital online business space. And y'all, I am learning a lot. 

One of the main things I've learned is that when you have an online business you need to have consistent weekly content to be out in front of your audience on a regular basis. So, this is new for me. And with my personal page on Instagram, I kind of just post, whatever, whenever, and it's super random. My husband tells me all the time. I don't know if people are gonna understand that I just gotta post it anyway because I can do what I want. 

But for the business, I'm gonna need more structured content. So okay I got past that. And I learned there's kind of three different ways you can do this, typically. You can have a blog like a written blog, a video show, or you could do podcasting. And in my mind podcasting was like goals, but also just seemed like a lot. So I thought, one day I'll work toward having a podcast. I first thought okay, I'll start with blogs because I actually have a personal blog, it's called It's just super personal. It's not something I promote or whatever. I really just don't even post regularly, just whenever I want. But blogs are hard for me, writing them, because one, I am meticulous when it comes to grammar and also trying to get my voice across, like through words. I mean I enjoy it but it takes me forever to write because I basically want them to be perfect.

And two, I don't consume blog content myself. That's no hate to people who have blogs. I have friends who have amazing blogs, but I just don't read them because I don't have the capacity in my life to sit down and read anything really. I listen to books even on Audible and I love it, it works for me. So, the thought of me having to do a blog post every week just felt unnatural and really more of a chore. So I thought, I won't do a blog, and instead, I'll go the video show route. But guess what guys. Your girl is just a little awkward on video. I mean, all the takes. Like there's one take Jake, and then there's 87 takes Ashley. I one day will need to post all the weird outtakes because it was not good, because again, I'm a perfectionist, and I'm awkward. And so it just wasn't feeling right. And, ultimately, I wanted to connect with my audience. I wanted to connect with you. And if I don't feel comfortable, and I'm not saying easy, but just natural, then it's gonna be hard for me to connect with you. And for you to connect with me. 

Side note here. If you're a business owner, take notes on this. When you find something is not working, do not ignore it and just keep pushing through it, because there's a difference between hard work, and you operating in a drudgery zone. So it's okay to adapt, and you should adapt quickly and not feel bad about it. Just change it up, figure out what works and keep it moving. 

So I finally accepted that I needed to just make the move to podcasting. And I just told myself, “Ashley you figured out a lot of things in the past. You'll figure this out.” So one day I'll have to do an episode on how you can launch a podcast in five weeks. It's actually super doable. And, look, I don't have the perfect equipment. In this moment I am in a closet that is completely messy, and it is hot in here. And yeah, you know I don't have the perfect office space to record, and I do aspire to that. Side note, if anyone wants to sponsor the podcast, holla! 

But get this. I am not going to let not having the perfect setup stop me from starting. Let me say that again. I'm not going to allow imperfect conditions to dictate my start. Some of you needed to hear that. Just start and do the very best with what you have in your hands. Just try. It won't be perfect but you will get better. And you know what? You won't have the space to even improve if you don't actually start. Okay. I'll get off my soapbox but I just had to say that. 

So, what do I want from my birthday? Hey hey. One, I want to inspire you to start and build your business. I launched Bird Williams Consulting because I honestly get so stinking excited about people starting businesses. Or if you've had a business for years and it's just maybe not working, or there are parts you can improve. It gets me so fired up to help you. So there's that. 

And then also, I want to hear from you. I want this to be a conversation. I don't want to just be talking at you. I want you to share with me your progress, what you have going on. Maybe you work a nine to five and you just kind of have an idea. Or maybe you are in the process of a launch and things are crazy and you're trying to figure things out. Or maybe like I said you've had a business for a few years and there are just things that you know you can improve. Talk to me. Share with me. Engage with me. My Instagram is @heybirdwilliams and my Facebook is Bird Williams and so that's where you can connect with me. My website is Also, I'd love for you to share Bird Means Business with your friends and family. If you know someone who's always wanted to launch a business or who maybe has, but maybe could use some help. I'd love for you to share this with them. 

Lastly, tune in each week, subscribe, and leave me a review for Bird Means Business. I mean when I see these things come through, I am jumping for joy, really. So that would be fun for my birthday week. I look forward to next week. It's going to be a great episode. I'll see you then.